Wednesday 10 October 2007

Wed 10 Oct 07, an early morning run & some 'bad' news

On the Tan early, I started near Government Dve, jogged for 5 min back towards the 2km marker, once there I turned and ran clockwise at a faster pace, a lap of the Tan in 16:30, and then I slowed back to approx 4:40 pace for 8 min.

At 6:45am I meet up with a friend on the Tan and we then ran from there, around the Tan, river, Gosch's Paddock, river and back to the cars on the Tan, about 33 minutes. All up 11ish kms.

In the evening I took Little Aths General Training, with a few laps warm up and then some accelerations I was able to run out a few sore spots, which was good.

The bad news:

Myf is on the move...

Why, it can't be, she can't leave the J's, I can't listen to Triple M, but (there's always a but), she will move back to Melbourne and she is still without a boyfriend.. hmmmm ;-)


Ewen said...

Hmmmm, all the best Stu. I only know her from Spicks and Specks. She's good.

Clare said...

I have sent 2 text messages to Myf, Jay & the Doctor now, something along the lines of "Myf, please dont go to Triple M.. PLEASE!" It just isnt right..

Anonymous said...

You could try listening to AW or if you're feeling really adventurous, Gold 104.

MorseyRuns said...

I love Myf too- I know we could go shopping together, hang out in bars, go and see bad movies together, have slumber parties and stay up all night talking about boys.