Tuesday 11 September 2007

Tue 11 Sep 07, Melb Uni achilles testing & a very sore foot

This morning I had an appt at the School of Physio at Melb Uni, many months ago I volunteered for an achilles study and they needed to re-do one of the tests. So I arrived at 7:30am, jogging from work, so a few kms away, so I was already warmed up, so they placed a lot of 'buttons' all over me, about 30 of them, when seen on the computer you could see lines representing me running (if that makes sense), like a stick man (I wish).

So with all of the bits & pieces attached I had to run a 20m course at a certain speed and hit certain spots on the ground, 20 times, 10 with orthotics and 10 without, but of course you need to get the right pace and hit spots with no markers.... so many runs were done. Which I started to struggle with as my foot was becoming sorer and sorer.

This morning I noticed that some colour was starting to appear on the pad of my r.foot and was still sore to push on. Well after running to the Uni and then doing the test and trying (I mean trying) to run back to work I checked my foot out and it was starting to look worse and was even sorer (esp wearing 'dress' shoes). By the arvo my foot was swollen.

Some chatting with a medico friend she tells me that it sounds like a blood blister very deep and it will eventually come to the surface and ONLY then will I be able to release the pressure.

No training tonight (esp with a slight limp), just coaching which turned out to be good as I was able to spend a little more time dodging the rain and chatting with two new runners who have asked me to coach them.


MorseyRuns said...

That blood blister sounds very strange- surely there must be a way of drawing it to the top. Hope you get to pop it soon!

Tesso said...

Youch! That's one injury I've never heard of. Hope it rears its ugly head soon.