Monday 17 September 2007

Mon 17 Sep 07, relay coaching (kind of) & a short run

I took the very large group of WLAC kids who came to the track for relay training, I took them for an all up 10 min w/up which included two laps of the track, some dynamic stretching and then some 50m strides, then over to their team managers. Wasn't really required to do much else from then on, I helped with a few pointers but that was it, so I'm not really sure of my involvement from here, which I and a couple of others found to be quite strange. Oh well

Here in Vic, U9's is the first age group that kids can run relays at Region & State level, so I have been asking Connor if he wanted to be involved, and surprisingly yesterday he asked what time I was picking him up for relay training. I told him befoe we arrived, that he needed to commit as this was a team event and there would be others relying on him as he should be the 3rd or 4th runner picked or will lead the second team. He was telling me on the way home that he really enjoyed himself, which was great to hear.

After dropping Connor at home I parked at my place and then went for an easy 30 minute run and then stretched for 15 minutes.


jojo said...

youre so good with stretching..something i definitely need to work on... teach me stu

Kathryn said...

The relay sounds like a great way to introduce kids to team sports. It's hilarious watching the little ones try to play something like footy when they don't quite grasp the concept of teamwork :) At least in a relay you have to pass on the baton.

Anonymous said...

testing your patience