Tuesday 24 July 2007

Tue 24 Jul 07, track session

At the track before 5pm, 4 lap warm up and on my 4th lap the 'stupid' plovers started swooping, I really dislike swooping birds!!! Anyway, stopped and chatted to Burkie about last night's Committee meeting and then did my drills, skipping with high knees, simple bummies, double bummies (2 on a leg before swapping) and then some cross overs, then 8x60m strides, starting quite slow and picking up the pace each rep.

My VU Complex enemy!!

Tonight's plan was 6x800 (edit, not 8x) @ 92-95 sec per lap with 45-60 sec recovery. I started off and felt ok, but after 2 I knew this might be beyond me. Fourth rep I pulled off the track feeling not right, decided to be smart, finished the session with lots of gentle jogging whilst watch Michelle's session (her first track session) and then Clare's.

Splits (recovery):
3:00 (42 sec incl 30 sec walk)
2:59 (43 sec, as above)
3:02 (60 sec, walking)
pulled off at 500m. Walked for a few minutes and then jogged 2 laps, then another 2 with Michelle & then many infield laps watching & coaching.


Anonymous said...

Don't blame you, I hate Birds, ever seen the Hitchcock film? Scary.

We used to walk to school with old ice-cream containers on our heads because the maggies were so bad in spring where I grew up.


Andrew(ajh) said...

I agree, I have a phobia about birds too, around my running track it is usually just magpies during nesting season. One gave me a really good whack on the head last year, fortunately it was when I was on my bike, I have the scratch marks on my helmet to show for it.

Anonymous said...

great photo though, they can be annoying !
8 x 800 is a tough session stu,

i would struggle as well with the short recovery !

see you at sandown.

jojo said...

still not feeling 100%
have you spoken to the doc about your fainting?

Ewen said...

They sound as bad as the magpies we have in abundance around here.

Have a good weekend Stu. If you're racing I hope it goes well.