Saturday 28 July 2007

Sat 28 Jul 07, You Yangs

The day started with working bee for WLAC, we were checking all of our equipment for the upcoming season, preparing hurdles to receive new wood and lots of other manual labour bits & pieces. For those who know me well, manual labour isn't one of my favorite past times, but I was here.

The Western Aths 'pack run' was scheduled to be at Ferny Creek today, but with driving to Warragul for the State Little Aths XC Champs tmw I decided a local run would suit better. Both Clare & Belinda agreed and we made our way out to the You Yangs at 3pm.

I parked at Toynes Rd, Clare ran 65 min and took off on GCD and then went into the main rd into the Stockyards, so a few hills for Clare. Belinda ran with me and we ran the entire Stockyards path, Bel had never run this side of the park before (not including GCD) so she like me a few months ago was very pleasantly surprised. A tough run with loads of hills, 62 min, 11.5km. A nice arvo for a run!


jojo said...
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Ewen said...

I always wondered where the You Yangs were. For some reason I thought they were east of Melbourne.

Looks like a great place to run - well worth the drive.