Saturday 14 July 2007

Sat 14 Jul 07, Western Aths welcome WLAC

This morning Western Aths hosted WLAC for a long gentle run at the You Yangs on the Branding Yard Trail. Burkie suggested it a few months ago to the WLAC Committee, a great way to introduce non racing, gentle running to the younger athletes of Werribee Little Aths. As I am on both Committees I organised the activity, we had some Western Aths members to help out as 'leaders' and I organised some freebies from AV & VLAA, stickers, balloons, tattoos and also some AV flyers and lolly pops.

The plan, break into small groups of like abilities and then go for a 5km run along the Branding Yard Trail. A fairly successful morning, I think, numbers were a little lower than I expected, but not bad for our first attempt at this. Maybe next year we could also invite Brimbank LAC (of sorts, a feeder Club for Western Aths).

So today was my first running since Tuesday evening, today I took 5 kids ranging from 6-8, so I probably got 2.5km of VERY easy running. Later in the arvo I did a 8k medium paced run, nothing special but of course did end up getting very wet from the rain and never really warmed up! But a run is a run!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I know it can get a bit rough out there in the western suburbs, but tattooing little kids!

LOL, yes, I know you meant the fake one.

I hope :-)

Ewen said...

Great idea. I bet they enjoyed it.

Good you're back running. We had 8C today, but it was so still and sunny it felt like about 15 :)

jojo said...

PMSL at Em's comment.. yep a run is a run.. you'll be back to your many kms before you know it!