Wednesday 14 February 2007

Wed 14 Feb 07, gym and S2F training run

Got into the city at 6:40 and dropped my stuff at work and then went to the gym for a 50 min session. Today I concentrated on shoulders, upper back and lots of core/ab work, by the end of the session I could hardly do more than 10 reps of any ab ex, even easy ones.

Feeling good after yesterday's session I could have easily gone for a lunchtime run, but I decided that killing myself this week was not on the planso I waited until 5:40pm to leave work and jog at tempo pace for 15 minutes before arriving at Fed Square to take the 10k group, already dripping from tonight's humidity.

Tonight I took 11 runners for a trip around Fed Square (promo shots were taken) and then along the river and around the MCG, back to the river, crossing over to the Tan, a lap and then back along the river to Fed Square. The group spread out a fair bit, but I controlled and held them together for the first 5k or so. The guy & 2 girls at the front were regulars and were happy to stroll along in their own group. Even at the comfortable pace I was sweating heaps. An enjoyable run and lots of chatting. Tonight S2F were handing out some gels, so I grabbed five freebies for my collection.

Finished the night with a 1.5km run back to my car, all up tonight 14-15km.


Spark Driver said...

It must have been a warm night for a run.

Anonymous said...

So when do we get to see the S2F glamour boy up on the web ;-)