Monday 5 February 2007

Mon 05 Feb 07, gym & a recovery run

With a change to my routine for the next month or so I couldn't get into the city early, which meant I extended my lunch break to 70 minutes so I could fit in my gym session and shower and change. 50 minutes in the gym today and I felt a lot better than the previous week, the ice bath worked a treat.

Tonight I was at Fed Square for the first Run for the Kids training group, I jogged from work to Fed Square and then to Niketown to change my shoes over (they stuffed my sizing) and then jogged back to the group, so a few k's already. I was allocated the slow 8km group, which was advertised it would be run at 7 min per km pace, which I thought was way to slow and thankfully I was proven right, today. I only had four in my group, so I took them out probably at 6:30 pace for the first 1.5km but already I knew they were easily going to run this at that pace and faster. My group remained together and we even past two from the medium 8k (they had their Leader & they will need to change groups next week), our overall pace was 6:15ish, with the final km at 5:45 pace. Surprisingly my group tonight was all male, which is very different, and I suggested to two of the guys to run with the medium group for their next outing.

Tonight all of the Run Leaders were given a pair of shoes (I chose Zoom Elites 3), shorts, a tech T, cap, sweat bands (???), socks & a cool little sports bag. We will also be given a singlet and a compression top with the possibility of a running jacket too (hope so). So all up a really good deal!


Anonymous said...

Good work with getting the freebies. I look forward to seeing the photo of you running your next race in sweat bands! Although, aren't they trendy now (I'm too old to be trendy so don't really know)?

Tesso said...

Wow, what a great gig! Wish they had those runs on up here.

I'm glad your group were capable of doing way better, I can't imagine you running 7 minute pace!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, not real sure I am a sweat band kinda girl, though I imagine they look even more amusing on the boys :-)

I have 8km slow on Wednesday night.

Ewen said...

Yes, great deal Stu. The sweatband is for that 80s waffle look.

Vicky said...

Great score Stu - you and Em will be the best dressed runners around for a while!!