Tuesday 20 February 2007

Tue 20 Feb 07, gym & track session

Sixty minutes in the gym this morning, upper back, shoulders, some chest work (but on the swiss ball), 15 minutes of ab/core work on the swiss ball, 5 min on a rower, 5 min on a bike and then 5 min of sit ups and finishing off with some stretching, a great session. And was starving afterwards and looking for my second breakfast.

Talking about a second breakfast, over the past 6 weeks I have noticed I am wanting to eat more in the mornings now, I suppose a few more kms each week, consistenantly off to the gym has probably got something to do with it also. But thankfully, whilst I don't know if I have lost any weight (no scales) I can easily see I am looking slighter in the face and stomach and have noticed that a few of my pants at work are becoming very loose around the waist and bum, which is good. But a couple pairs are becoming quite loose, enough to have received a few light hearted comments like you have no bum in those pants.

I arrived at the track just prior to 5pm already dressed for running, so I drop my singlet and took off for my normal 3k warm up around the exterior of the complex. I then stretched my calf, achilles, hamstrings & quads whilst chatting with some of the parents of Burkie's squad. Then into my strides, 5x60m, walking back to my mark today as Adam K had arrived and was doing his warm up, so i wanted to slow down so I had someone to train with. As I finished my warm up Ads ran into the track from Hoppers and the three of us were ready to go. Tonight Burkie suggested all work at 8-10k pace, Adam K to do 5k worth (State Champs on Fri, 800m) and myself and Ads to do upto 8k.

This evenings temp was probably 26ish, with a light breeze and lots of sun, we decided we would run reps of 1200m, but that ended up being changed whilst on the run as both Ads & I felt quite drained. Hopefully it was as a result of many hot days... My aim was 96 sec laps with a 50 sec recovery.

Splits (recovery):
4.42 (50.1)
4.40 (48.9)
4.42 (52.1)
3.12 (1.00)
3.12 (53.9)
3.07 (walked 300m & then a 10 min jogging cooldown)

Very humid and I was soaked in sweat, to be honest if you had seen me you would had thought I had been in the pool I was so wet.

A few days ago, Jaykay blogged a photo from her work desk, I thought that was a good idea so I took a pic and was hoping to post it, but blogger and I are not agreeing, so here is a link:


This picture is taken from St Kilda Rd, across from Government Drive, yep the Tan is not very far away!


Anonymous said...

How lucky are you to be that close to the Tan.

I'm sure if I was that close I'd get out every day for a run....as long as it wasn't raining!

Anonymous said...

Nice view, I can see the ocean from my window, but I prefer your view :-)

You seem to be doing regular gym work in the mornings, no doubt that is keep the metabolism kicking over, especially as it would still be revving from the run the night before, no wonder you have lost weight I am finding as my mileage has increased I have been walking up hungry in the night.

Tesso said...

Good pic Stu. I might do the same. With a telescopic lens I might be able to capture a glimpse of the river :-)

Ewen said...

Hope you don't spend too much time staring out the window at that lovely view!

Nice pace for the intervals. In that heat, the 8s would have felt good after the 1200s.

Vicki said...

Better be careful spending that long in the gym might lead to muscles... LOL. Do more squats/good mornings/ and hypers - no bum - no good. If you're up for it I'll give a "once only" "free" "intro to powerlifting..." butt and core work is all you need tho. Sorry no steak knives with this offer. Offer expires March 31 2007.

Eat!! Your body is telling you it needs the fuel. An extra mid morning healthy snack is good - eating late in the day is not so good.

My view is down St Kilda rd towards Kings Domain? Domain rd, can almost see the Shrine on the left. I think I can see the building we're moving to. Down Fawkner Park way.

Sorry, once I start I cant shutup. :-)

Anonymous said...

you are really hitting the gym, good stuff.
i'm in the middle of marathon training and often feel like eating a 2nd or 3rd breakfast!!!!!!!!!!
hot & humid at the moment is'nt it.
good luck with the training