Monday 19 February 2007

Mon 19 Feb 07, R4K training group, that's all today

I planned to go to the gym at lunchtime, but I was so busy at work I forgot...

My only physical activity today was the training group at Fed Square, so a 1k jog there and 1k back only 10k for the day, all at an easy pace. Tonight's slow 8k group was the biggest for this season, more than 15. Funny how many ladies in the group are new to Australia from the UK, there were at least 6 tonight and only 2 knew each other, quite uncanny I thought.

Tomorrow gym first up and then a track session in the evening. After 4 days of over 35 degrees, an easy day was probably a good idea.

1 comment:

Tesso said...

That is bizarre about the ladies in the group. But what a great way to meet people if you are new to the place!

Hope things cool down soon.