Monday 13 July 2009

Wyndham Park

First day at work today, 7am (why - who really knows why so early), OMG how many emails can one person receive during a week away from work with his Out Of Office thingy on???

One of the advantages of getting to work earlyish and really not giving a shit about the world and or the first day back, I was out the door at 3.30pm and running at 3.55pm, in the god damn pouring rain, it was bloody sunny at 2.30pm???? grrr & :-(

I fastish pace to try and keep me warmer than I really rained the entire time I ran, 33 minutes. Once back at my car the rain changed to light drizzle and then as the kids were hoping out of the car it stopped...why now, why not before?

Tonight's set for the kids was running, running with more running along the paths along the river in the direction of the freeway, after 3k's we stopped and did some gentle stretching and then we went further on and increased the pace on each rise, then a few hill repeats before turning back. Very minimal recoveries and lots of running, funnily some of the kids who normally do very well during the WP sessions found this quite hard but the kids who run the harder and longer Tue sets were fine.

With the shorter Sunday run I found this quite nice to get in 13-14k on a Monday.

Triple J's Hottest 100 of All Time, was announced on the weekend, with more than 1/2 million votes it does give a true indication. I voted, and a few of my votes made it into the top 100 and like many others I voted number one for Nirvana's ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’.

Whilst I didn't vote for many of the top 10, unlike many I can see and understand how a demographic system of comments that has really created a lot of discussion; NO women singing originals in the top 100??? I look in my CD collection, I have stacks of ladies, Bjork, Missy Higgins, Kylie, Sarah Blasko, Madonna and some ladies singing Neil & Tim Finn to name a few and many of these ladies have sang some of my favourites, but obviously not my top 10 it seems!

So why is this so??? To be honest I have no idea, what about you?

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