Sunday 19 July 2009

A long run at the YY

8:30am at Toynes Rd, my legs feel ok, better than I expected. The majority of my group and Burkie's all make our way along the Branding Yard Rd as one BIG group, myself, David T, Luke & David S chatting at the back, comfortably sitting at the back behind the ladies & juniors. After 3k or so, we move to the front and sit there without really increasing the pace. Jo and a couple of others move off the road onto Branding Yard Trail and we continue on towards GCD, passing a few who went in the other direction.

The four of us cross GCD and move onto Greyhound Track and make our way back to Toynes Rd for a drink stop and then we go along GCD and up the first of many hills. We ventured into the Stockyards area and with a bit too much talking I take us in the wrong direction and we end up running a trail that was out of the way, slightly hillier than I really wanted and it also took us over the 90 minutes planned.

According to David's Garmin we ran just over 18k with some good hills, my time was 1h 45m 46s, an enjoyable run, but the hills did work me and the final 10 min or so I was ready to be in my car... ;-)

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