Monday 13 April 2009

Yay another day off work

Did stuff today...nothing much, but happily no work and I enjoyed my public holiday.. :-)

I didn't change the time for training today, much to the dismay of many of the parent group, but I decided I would let training just be a part of the normal day and this also meant Jo & I could do whatever...

For training I took the group out onto the road for an extended warm up, splitting them into two, Jo taking one group for 20 minutes at approx 4:50-5 min pace and I took the other group for 15 minutes at approx 5:10 pace. Once back at the track we did some dynamic work, stretching and then simple drills and then 4x100m strides to get the legs going again.

From there we all did a mixture of slow lunges, squats, jumping, hopping & stopping, then 4 x 100m strides to get the legs going, again. Over to the stairs for a quick run up & down, then some hip flexor lifts on the stair, some jumping up and down.

We then finished off with a few laps of the complex and grass infield before moving onto some simple ab exercises, including finishing off with 3x30 sec planks and 2x30 sec oblique planks. A nice solid set to build strength for a long season.

1 comment:

jojo said...

gosh, how lucky you are to have such a helpful gf ;)