Thursday 16 April 2009

Track session - Same as last week

Gym in the morning for 30 minutes, 20 minutes easy on the bike and then 10 minutes of core work, planks and table top crunches.

Two games of indoor football at lunch (a long lunch), the first game was my team, we lost 6-4, with one reserve. The second game I helped out a team who were short, so no reserves, drenched in sweat after two games.

Tonight at the track I started with a 2km w/up and then into 4x100m strides, as I was 'racing' on Saturday I decided I would stop at 5x800m in 3:15 pace with a 90 second recovery. Like last week I had a group of 7 going around at the same pace but shorter reps which result in a longer recovery.

Steph 5x500, Celeste 5x600, Jo 5x600, Mechelle 3x600, Sue 4x600, David did 6x800 (not racing) & me 5x800. I felt good cardio wise, but the legs were heavy....hmmm, maybe too much this week, will have to wait & see.

Three laps in lane 8 to cool down.

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