Sunday 5 April 2009

Return to the You Yangs for my Squad

Prior to meeting my Squad at Turntable car park at 9am, I arrived at 8:30am and within minutes of arrival I meet with Adrian who had been running for 60 minutes already, so I joined up with him for 30 minutes whilst Jo remained and chatted with some of my early arrivals.

With a quickish 6k in the legs I then took off along with the group, we made our way along Rockwell, this was a new run for the younger ones, we then turned off and out to BIG Rock, with a quick climb to the top so the kids could see where we were and see the views of Geelong and the coast. Then down and along the loop around the rock and then back to the start, just a short run just under 5k, then we did a bush walk for 65 minutes, followed by a smallish BBQ as a group.

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