Friday 2 January 2009

11km travelled, but 10km run on a rest day

Lying in bed thinking, "well it is usually a rest day, maybe I will not run".....

Grrr, get out of bed lazy bum and Just Do It. Whilst I am arguing with myself, Jo is leaving to go for an easy run in the pool, damn it, get up! Well I did, I found Jo's Garmin, chucked on a for a quick charge whilst I fluffed about doing what boys do in the morning..

I had finally decided 10k would be a nice start to my day and keep my running pointing in the direction that I want!!! I started on the Skeleton Creek pathway and ran in the direction of Altona. Most of the kms were run in 4:55 ish pace, some slightly faster, some on 5 min pace. I ran for 5km, I then decided as this was a rest day, I needed to be nice to my legs, so I walked 500m in one direction & then turned around and continued walking until 1km (9:03), once at 6k I recommenced running, holding a similar pace (4:50-55).

Happy I got out there and let the legs roll over!

2009; Goals etc, whilst I have updated my Blog I really haven't thought too long or hard about what I want from my running this year. I know I want a better year, I know I want to run more & without injury, but at this stage all I want to do is finish the T&F Season off, run sub 2:30 for 800m, run sub 5:15 for 1500m. The plan is to continue getting stronger, fitter & improve my endurance then I will focus on some goals by the end of February/mid March.

1 comment:

jojo said... least you were arguing with yourself -rather than me:P lol