Tuesday 7 October 2008

Botanical Gardens, soccer, track

This morning I arrived at the Tan 6:20, I jogged on the grass near Govt Dve waiting for Tania then for 40 minutes according to Tania, I tortured her up grassy hills, up the stairs in the Sidney Music Bowl, up more grassy hills, up more more stairs and then up more grassy hills. There was hopping, jumping, steps, sprints and then long sprints....all up hills & stairs. :)

Lunch time soccer, we lost 2-1, no reserves, but not as much running as some games for me, normally I play mid field, but today I played left back and my given the task of keeping a particular striker out of the game, it worked to a degree, he didn't score but he did cross for both goals...

Track tonight, 3k warm up with various members & athletes I coach, 10 strides of 70m and then 6x600m reps with 3 teenage girls I coach in laps of 95 which I found comfortable and then I did an extra 2 reps (90sec laps) with Christian (18) who is returning after a season of aussie rules and is slowing returning to some endurance fitness. A few laps on the infield to cool down.

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