Wednesday 2 August 2006

Tue 01 Aug 06, track session

11m today and 40km for the week so far, 1 run/1 day this month

Off to the track night tonight arriving just before 5pm with the knowledge I was going to have someone to warm up with only and I would have to do my rep work by myself. Started my warm up with Dave T, we did four laps of the VU Complex, not sure where that extra lap came from, we must have been too busy chatting. I completed about 10 minutes of stretching and then I got into my session of 6x1k reps.

There has been a little bit of discussion regarding the usage of lane 1 for training and how the Committees of Little A's & Western A's should be considering closing it from training, esp with the poor condition of the railing and also & more importantly to protect the condition of the track. So I thought I would try a session from lane 2 to see how much it plays in the 'head'. So I ddin't make any changes to my distances even with the knowledge that a lap in lane 2 is 6m longer, so this would mean my 1k reps would be approx 1015m. My recovery tonight would be a walking recovery diagonally across the track and then recommence immediately.

Reps (recovery):
3:52 (1:12)
3:52 (1:13)
3:55 (1:15)
3:58 (1:14)
3:57 (1:15)
3:55 (walked 600m with stretching and then 2 slow laps in lane 8)

Well I managed to be fairly consistent in lane 2 and it was too hard on the mind, not to many mind games.

Re Steve's comments regarding the weights, whilst not being to scientific about it, I am doing light weights with high reps in the hope of reducing fat and helping to make me stronger. I am sure some of the PTs could better explain it.

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