Sunday 13 August 2006

Sun 13 Aug 06, some changes to my blogging style

0km today and for the week so far, 8 runs/13 days this month

No run today or yesterday due to personal reasons and today, family reasons. I have decided that for a period of time I am going to stop blogging, but not completely. My blog started as a place to keep all of running stats and over time I started to write stories with my runs. Then with time I started to include some personal bits & pieces and began writing as if I was talking to friends (which I am). But I was starting to write some very personal things on my blog which didn't just affect me, so I tried to de-personalise my blog for awhile, but me being me, it slowly creeps back.

The past weeks have been very hard on my personal life and I haven't dealt with it very well and without some of my friends I really don't know where I would be! But as I know I can say too much here I have decided that I would curtail my blogging. But as I do not want to create a spreadsheet to keep my info and I don't want to lose my blog history I have decided I will change my blogging for a while. Maybe a week, maybe a month.

My blog will now be somewhere I log my run and the detail/stats associated with that run, no thoughts and NO personal stuff, for the time being. I know I will lose readers but this is something I need to do. Thanks


No run today or Saturday.


Em said...

Keep up the training stuff please, I love seeing what you get up too.

Be kind to yourself.

Clarkey said...

I'll still stop by....I should leave more messages, but dial-up is so slow I need to economise time...

Anonymous said...

Hey Stu Mac, hadn't checked in on your page in a while and the first time I come you're announcing your withdrawal! Hope you get everything you need sorted out- I'll see you round in the next couple of months.

By the way, Sydney are rubbish. This year's prelim will have a different result.

Anonymous said...

hey stu, take it easy, i like to read about your training etc, but if you just keep it to a running diary thats ok too.

Anonymous said...

I'll keep looking in. Bloglines tells me to.

vat_man said...

Stu - can I suggest maybe setting up a fully anonymous blog for your personal comments, separate from your running blog. You don't have to publish it. I work very hard to keep home stuff out of the blog, and it's very difficult at times - it can be quite a cathartic outlet.

Sekhmet said...

I was going to make the same suggestion as Vat for your personal stuff. Sometimes it's just good to get it off your chest and if you really feel better for writing it, the anon blog is the way to go :-)

Look after yourself

Tesso said...

I'll still be stopping by for sure Stu. I enjoy reading about your training and racing.

Ewen said...

Thanks Stu. I'll keep reading. I hope things work out with your personal life.

I'm OK with just the stats as I'm interested in your running. Later, if you want to write more, that's OK too - we're your friends.

All the best.