Monday 24 October 2005

Sun 23 Oct, CR 5k Wobble

6km today and for the week so far

Arrived at the Brighton Baths minutes prior to the start (rolleyes), so my warm up was ordinary, I predicted in the guessing comp 19:05, I should have taken into account the head wind on the return trip and the fact that I raced hard yesterday, oh well.

The photo left to right; Me, Kelvin, Old Miler, Greybeard & lots of others

I started hard (as per normal), running alongside Tim Crosbie (not the smartest thing to do, he is much faster than me). I stayed with Tim until just prior to the 1k mark where I moved right behind him, but by this stage I knew I was already in trouble, with my quads starting to hurt and a feeling of build up in the hammies, I knew it was going to be a long 5k race. Still running fast enough at the 2k mark but quickly I was looking for Tim to turn around, but he kept on going, this 500m felt like 800m, OMG it is going to be along way home. At the 3k mark I deliberately slowed down and even moved off the course into a park and stopped and had a drink from a fountain, once back on I cruised in probably at 4:15-30 pace, finished 20:50ish, fairly ordinary.

Leading; Me & Old Miler, just behind Kelvin, Eskimo & Blueboy

Not much of a cool down, but did get to have coffee and chat with some old & new acquaintances, which was the 'real' purpose of the day! Spent the remainder of the day in the city and meet up with a special friend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great day.

Great "running" photos in blogs...even when I don't have a clue whose in them!