Thursday 3 February 2005

Thu 3 Feb, evening track session

The last 48 hours has been the wettest in the history of weather record taking here in Melbourne. Whilst many have said that they have been running, I decided that running in floods, with falling trees and lighting wasn't my thing! The last 24h of the rain seen over 120mm fall in the my local area!

Got to the track early today, 4.30pm. Ran 6 laps of the track in Lane 8, the first couple were just jogging, but then I included some drills, high knees, heel to bum, side stepping etc, finishing with 3 stride thrus of 50m with my trainers. Some stretches and then into my DS Racers for 3 more stride thrus (a little faster than before).

There is a light drizzle, but there is no wind, so all is good. Session tonight is 6x800 @ 90-92 per lap with a 1 min break, Troy A (15) is doing the session too, will be v.easy for him but Burkie is looking after him as he keeps pulling up sore, Troy will start 8 sec after me and catch me at the start of the back straight 2nd time.

I finish all of the sets between 3:01 & 3:04, happy with but I felt a little heavy tonight??? I would have thought I would feel good as I have done bugger all k's this week due to weather, but I did have a late one last night (1am, up at 7am), so maybe this was the problem.

Hoping I'm ready to race the 5k on Sat arvo (4.30pm), want to run 95sec per lap which will give me a 19.45, here's hoping.


Unknown said...

Wow! How can I condense all that hard work, with more to come, into a few lines by next Wednesday?? LL

Unknown said...

....and I hope you'll keep on(talking)& writing about running, StuMac; I never miss reading your posts, etc. LL