Thursday 12 March 2009

Finally back up to date

Blogging hasn't been a priority, working hard, thinking lots about upcoming Championships for athletes I coach, also trying to get my lead up to the Champs right, so everyone can run the best they can.

Something had to give and the internet was it. It didn't help being sick for 3-4 days.

Today I started with a light session in the Botanical Gardens, a couple of k's of easy running in dribs & drabs, lots of step ups onto park benches, lunges, sit ups, squats, crunches, stairs and finishing with planks in the rain. A great start to the day.

Tonight's session was yet again a changed session....a time trial was on the agenda, but 200m reps took over. I changed the entire 'make-up' of the set, building 200m reps.

The first rep was in 42 and for 10 reps we steadily increased the pace. The 8th & 9th reps were in 34, which was fairly comfortable for me; the final rep was flat out, 30.76. Basically this annoyed me, as it REMINDED me that I 'fluffed' my 200m races this season, why did I not break 30 sec....?

1 comment:

jojo said...

..beacuse you were slack ;).... oops i didnt say that...i