Monday 30 March 2009 the gym

In the gym at 6:20am to ride for 30 minutes at a nice steady pace, then onto the bench press, then upright rowing, some arms & shoulders and then 3x45 sec front planks with 30 sec break and then 2x30 sec oblique planks.

The toe is good now and with confirmation of high uric acid in the blood I have decided to try the medication for 6 months and make small diet changes, but the doc did seem to think my diet was a lot better than most.

With my toe feeling a lot better, I organised a run with David, just over 40 minutes, which just gets me over the 100km for the month, how sad! We ran from David's new place along a few local roads and then back through a residential area.

My last Western Aths Committee meeting tonight as the Secretary, the next meet will be the AGM, I have nominated for the President's role...

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