Wednesday 20 August 2008

Just a little running, coaching & pilates

No morning running, too tired from too many late nights watching SHIT Channel 7 coverage of the OG athletics.

I arrived at the track early enough to do 10 laps of steady running and then 5 laps of bends & straights with quite fast straights.

Coaching: the squad did either a 1500/1000m TT and then 10 minutes later a 400m TT, a big group tonight, 16 athletes. Some good times, a few PBs (even in the 400m), gotta love juniors, they PB so easily, but actually a few really good times.

Pilates tonight, a new challenge 'plank', which I found quite hard and I found I was quite sore from the many lunges.

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Yes, I sat up to no avail last night waiting to see the women's 5k final. Pathetic!