Monday 25 August 2008

Gym & Wyndham Park

In the gym at 6:30am, 15 min on the bike at 75rpm and then some upper back, shoulders and arms, more shoulders. Then push ups, crunches, over core stability and planks, not forgetting lots of lunges & squats.

In the late arvo, I meet up with my junior group (8) at Wyndham Park in Werribee, a 8 min warm up jog and then we stopped at the playground. Of course the kids jumped on, so I thought I would make the most of it and I picked one kid to choose the direction and they followed the leader. Then after 5 min I got the kids to follow me, over park benches, big rocks, through the playground, over the fence onto Chrinside Oval (home of Werribee Tigers), then I picked Bailey to lead the group for 5 minutes, then we made our way back to our starting point. A tempo run (their pace) along the river for 5 minutes and then cruising back to the start point, Then a 1km hard run around a known circuit and then a 8 min cool down jog in groups.

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