Tuesday 8 July 2008

Gym session in the morning and track set in the PM

The girl I help 'torture'or train in the mornings twice a week suggested that her 'nice' straight hair would not like the rain, so we moved onto the gym. Whilst I was running around the roads inside the barracks I set the treadmill for Tania, after each run (approx 700m) I would re-adjust her speed & incline, sometimes much to her disgust... :)

I did 4 laps of the inside roads and some standing/holding squats with 50kg on my shoulders before T moved away from the tready (2.9k). We then moved onto the basketball court and we did strides, concentrating on forefooot running.

Then using the ends of the court, 10 push ups, then run to the other end and do 10 table top crunches and then back and do 9 push ups.... you get the idea and then my surprise for Tania, after completing the final crunch (so thought Tania) we ran back to the other end and did 10 push ups and then back for another 10 t-p crunches. We then did 2x60 sec planks with 30 sec break and 1x30 sec oblique planks and then just to annoy another 45 sec front plank.

Tonight at the track I started with a 2km w/up with one of the 17 year old boys, then 5x70m strides before moving onto 4x1000m and 3x600m with 60 sec standing recoveries.

4.13 / 4.14 / 4.23 / 4.23
2.28 / 2.27 / 2.28

The first 2 reps were quicker than I wanted, I was aiming for 4:25. In the BIG picture I probably should have stuck with 6-8x1000m, but I thought I would not tire myself too much and save a bit for the weekends run (Vic 10 mile XC Champs). My cool down was probably too fast, running 3 laps in lane 8 with one of the 19 year old girls who was in an average mood and going faster than she (me too) should have been.

1 comment:

jojo said...

hmmmm no such nice thoughts on tiring me out- i had to do 6 x 1kms.. how mean