Monday 28 July 2008

Connor graduates

Today I attended Connor's graduation from his development school that he has been attending for the last 2 1/2 years in Hampton. For those who are not aware, Connor attended a school initially three times a week, which over time has been reduced to once a week, the school helped teach him the consequences of his actions and how they affect others. I was very proud of Connor, firstly for graduating but also for his speech that he gave in front of the small school (35-40), he directed his comments to his teacher predominantly and then to his Principal at his 'mainstream' school and then to me & his mum. A very well spoken and thought out speech from a nine year old boy, whilst I know there was assistance, but I could tell they were his words!

Tonight I ran for 10 minutes prior to the kids arriving at Presidents Park, then I went for a 10 min run with the kids before we did 5 x 1 min efforts with 60 sec floats in between and then a 8 min cool down.


jojo said...

yay for connor :)

Anonymous said...

You must have been a very proud Dad Stu!