Sunday 6 January 2008

My first Fun Run for the year

Surf to Surf 10km Fun Run started with the 6k walkers at 9:45am and the runners at 10am (late start?). David & I jogged to the start from Nic's place, about 2k and we both commented on how humid it was when we arrived to register, but it was very cloudy (until 10 min before the start). Minutes before the race started it was announced that there were a record amount of starters, 711. David & I got ourselves about 10m from the front of the pack, once the race started I discovered we were going up a hill within 30 seconds and that hill continued on for the first km.

Just to clarify, I knew the course was hilly and I knew I wasn't too fit after minimal training in Nov & Dec and of course the 'dicky achilles'. David & I ran the first couple of kms together, 4:30 & 3:53, which were fairly hard work, David started to pull away from me and started to receive some attention from a passing Police Van, which was quite funny. I walked the crest of a few of the hills, partly protecting my achilles as the hard paths & hills were taking their toll. The final three kms I ran 9:20 & 4:35 (last km), the entire course was hilly with little respite. Finishing place 94th in 45:02, probably the slowest 10k in MANY years; David finished 69th in 43:XX, neither of us were that excited but we both knew neither had 'really raced'. Scott Rantall won the race in 34 minutes.

We finished off with a dip in the ocean and then walked back.


Ewen said...

Sounds like a tough fun run. 45 isn't too shabby for what sounded like a tempo session.

If only all fun runs finished with an ocean swim. Great for recovery!

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention the perfect preperation the night before. It was a good weekend.

Stu Mac said...

The perfect preparation??? Was that the carbo loading after my protein pill (commonly known as a rare steak)????

Doesn't everyone have at least 9 pints the night before... :)