Tuesday 19 September 2006

Tue 19 Sep 06, track session

7km today and 19km for the week so far.

Well didn't the weather person play games today...last night I hung washing at 10pm and it was cool, this morning I got up at 6am and hung another load and it was 20 degrees and last night's stuff was dry??? The sun hid behind clouds most of the day and it was very windy... I heard tonight that it got to 29 degrees which is not normal for a Melbourne September.

So I arrived at 5pm at the track tonight to blustery winds and a warm 28 degrees, this was going to be a tough track session, especially as Tuesdays are normal longer reps, but Burkie decided we would swap Thu & Tue, thankfully. 8x300 @ 55-6 sec with a 75 sec recovery.

We started with a 3 lap warm up with Tegan, Dave S & Shaun, then loads of stretching, 3 strides and then a change of shoes (DS Racers) and into the session as Shaun needed to leave at 6pm. Tegan moved off to do a similar session with some of the girls and we moved off with Dave T spectating tonight.

Splits (all recoveries between 74-76):
56.7 (strangely we thought we had started to fast)
52.1 (too fast)
53.6 (worked the back straight)

A three lap cool down and some stretching and made my way home before the very dark black clouds started to drop their water.


Peahen said...

Hey Stu, just checking in to see what you have been up to. How was yesterdays weather? What a tease, you get a taste of the heat then cop a day like today.

Hope your looking after yourself!

Em said...

God that wind made it hard last night, I thought I was going to get blown off the track!

A nice push in the back then bam! it hits you front on.

Anonymous said...

I had the same problem with the wind. Funny how it seems to be worse on the back stretch. It was like running into a brick wall for me.

Vicky said...

Hanging washing out at 10pm...? And again in the morning...? Very domesticated of you Stu! I thought I was the only one mad enough to hang washing out late at night in the dark, in the hope of it getting dry the next day... but it will still be a while before the weather is such that I do that again here. Your temps have been bazaar!