Monday 24 April 2006

Mon 24 Apr 06, run in Hoppers

13km today and 36km for the week so far, 19/24 runs this month

Funny, last Thursday I ran the exact same course in 55m 11s and today in 55m 09s, but both runs were done in different ways. Last week in a fartlek style, changing pace whenever and where I felt. And tonight basically the same, but the slow patches were a lot slower and the fast sections were a lot faster but only 2 seconds difference. Strange

Whilst not fully in the mood for a run I decided that tonight's run was about ticking off another run of the calender/program and add a few coins to the piggy bank. Whilst running fast I concentrated on my arm action and trying to feel lighter on my feet.

The tight feelings in my calves from yesterday are gone and the legs overall felt good, not perfect, but good. The hip is ok, but I could feel it everytime I picked up the pace, so I concentrated on my ITB stretching afterwards and I did some strong and long glute stretching. Booked in for a massage with Narelle tmw night, so hopefully that will help the situation and of course some more concentration on stretching. I also have another problem that I am becoming more aware of. For the past month or weeks, when I first wake up and get out of bed the first few steps are quite sensitive in the heel region, more so the right but the left is also there, but within minutes they seem to settle and I don't feel it again until the next morning. But this morning I was still aware of the feeling for a hour or so and when I started my run this evening I could feel the same feeling. So I suspect PF, so I will have to do some 'net' checking and do some reading and mention it to Narelle (massage) and of course to Burkie, but I will play it down, of course! And yes I can hear readers going tis tis tis Stu, but I'll watch it over the next week with some appropriate exercises.

Life in general is a strange thing...Edit: Rightio, I have decided to edit the last paragraph and remove my comments I made about feelings. The comment was like a visual reminder to myself that there are a lot of people worse off than me but it didn't come across that way. So I thank those who showed instant concern and sent me messages, emails or even a phone call.


Ewen said...

Re the early morning heel pain, I had that when I had PF. I hope it's not that, but avoiding hills (esp long hills) is helpful.

Tesso said...

Can we be concerned about your heel pain?

Also a former PF sufferer here. Good on you for doing something about it straight away. I left mine for months. It got so bad the physio called it the worst case he'd ever seen.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll find some handy info re stretches & massages etc on the net.