Wednesday 19 August 2009

An early run

To get a real run in today I need to do it in the morning as tonight's track session for the juniors didn't fit my program, so I parked on the Tan at 6.05am ... I really need to enjoy sleeping more. Paid my parking meter and off I went in T & shorts and the first 5 minutes I am looking at others with jealous eyes as they were wearing tights or jackets but within 5 minutes I was fine.

I started on the Tan, the first 1k was just done in 5.20 pace, a little bit stiff, sore & tired but moving and starting to pick up the pace to just under 5 minute pace before getting to the bottom of Anderson St, I then ran to the top and then turned went back down over to the river and ran on the grass/dirt back to my starting point. I then ran paths in and out of the gardens just for a constant change of scenery and this also keeps my pace honest and I don't get rapt up in checking my time each 250m as time on my feet was the only important factor.

I ran for 45 minutes before returning to my car, then stretching my calves using the gutter and then 20 push ups, 60 sec plank, 20 sec push ups and 60 sec plank, then finished off with some glute and hamstring stretches.

At the track tonight with my squad I jogged three laps with various kids, 2x60m strides for me and a 950m cool down with the entire squad.

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