Monday 17 August 2009

Bolt ran a WR 9.58 overnight, I ran longer than that today!

My legs were a tad tired today, the left calf a tad tightish, but overall a good feeling as it was an overall good run with good friends and if I get the chance I'll do it again this upcoming weekend, but it may be a little difficult with the boys staying over.

Today I enjoyed a 7k easy run around the Wyndham Park and then enjoyed some good dynamic stretching with my juniors and then some static stretching after their session. (At the moment the Mon & Wed sets are totally directed at Lexie, let me say, she is moving right now...)


jojo said...

yay-i hope lexie does super well at Nationals
oh and in answer to your question..i do love running...i work hard which means i dont love all the sessions all the time, but i LOVE the benefits it reaps!

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