Tuesday 6 September 2005

Tue 6 Sep, a run from the track

9km today, 34km for the week Recovered fairly well from the race, I know I should have done a cool down on Sunday after the race, but I didn't. I know I should have run a few easy k's on Monday but I decided to protect my chaffing and give it a rest. But overall I felt ok, I could feel a little in the quads & a bit on the achilles/calf region (probably from my flats).

I arrived at the track about 5:15pm tonight, a little late, some people in my household have trouble with time! Anyway the guys were slowly moving around the track, waiting for me, which is good of them. I rang to let them know I was running late & Dave mention that he wasn't 100% & I knew Mick wasn't either, so we agreed an easy jog would be better than trying to do interval work.

So once I was ready the three of us made our way out and did 45 minutes of easy running, chatting and complaining about how sore we were & lots of general chatting.
Afterwards I remained at the track and did more than 15 minutes of good stretching.

Yesterday I sent an email to my coach trying to work out how I would attack the next 3 months, with T&F upcoming, but I want to remain focused on a sub 40 min 10k and running in the lower grade Zatopek at Box Hill on Monday 5 Dec. Basically the plan will be to return to the previous months style of training, re-introduce the hill work and go from there, the only difference will be I will also run a few track races, but I will run a handful of 5000m races for the experience of multiple laps.

A picture of Sunday's race, not me, but the middle of the field!


Anonymous said...

Well done on reaching one of your goals.Your progress from here will,as you indicate yourself, be proportional to your weight control.
Get down to 72/73kg and I can see you running 36 and 1:22 for 10km/Half.But you will need to shed some muscle.
How bad do you want these times?
Your weight seems to have plateaued?
Cut out the grog and eat less meat less often. I suggest you write down for a week EVERYTHING you eat and drink and see a sports dietician.

Jen said...

Don't shed the muscle; it looks good ;-)


Ewen said...

You're doing well Stu. Congrats on the Half and good luck with your Zatopek build-up.

If it's 'excess weight', every 1kg lost=30 seconds faster over 10k.