Monday 14 April 2008

What a great trip to work....

Well when you can't run much you have to make up headings that bring a smile to my face. Like many morning sin the past month or so, I left home just after 6am and I pulled into my car park in Southbank at 6:29am, OMG, I drove the entire way at the speed limit (well maybe slightly above, but I can't say that as too many 'boys in blue' read my blog....), excluding Sundays I cannot remember doing this trip under 30 minutes. Small things amuse some people!

In the gym for 45 minutes, chest, back, arms and some core work with 10 min of punching the shit out of the big bag with light gloves.

Training tonight at Presidents Park for my group, we started just after 5pm, 18 runners tonight. I sent the two teenager girls off into the distance for 35 minutes, with the instructions of 20 min very casual pace and 15 minutes of off & on hard pace involving small hills. The younger ones jogged 800m and then we stop and do some exercises and light stretching, then for 10 min we jog, go hard, dawdle, jog, up & down hills and walk. Then we jogged along the river for 5 min before stopping near the Shaws Rd bridge and completing four hill repeats before jogging back, with a couple of the very energetic kids hammering themselves back with a competitive 800m sprint home, you just have to love how 9 year old boys MUST be the 10 & 11 year old girls!!!

Once back all of us did lunges, squats, crunches and then we finished off with a 2 min plank contest and an intro to a 20 sec oblique plank. Funnily the best front plank person was Teagan, a 10 year old, in perfect position the entire 2 min, but not the same when doing the oblique plank.


Anonymous said...

I am glad I am not the only environmental bandit who drives to work.

Doesn't 60 really mean 80 anyway? At least before 7am surely LOL

Ewen said...

Well, 60mph means 70mph in the states :)

I like it when the 11-year old girls beat the 11-year old boys. Soon changes!

Well done with that amount of relay teams - a great start to the season for Western Aths.