Tuesday 22 April 2008

F.all running and too lazy to go to the gym today

Slept in and didn't get to the gym, so at my desk at 8am...

I confirmed the time and location of the Hoppers Crossing PS District XC Champs today and confirmed my attendance with Pauline. As well as the school team I have four kids at other schools representing their school, I expect all four of them to make it through and a handful of the St Peters kids.

Today the Werribee District PS Champs were being run near Presidents Park/Riverbend Park, Teagan, Natalie & Chantelle were all in the same race. Going on summer form Natalie would prob follow Teagan but both would be following Sarah C (not in my squad), but obviously the easy running on Mondays and the sharper stuff on Wed have been helping. Teagan won for the first time, Nat second and Chantelle 4th, who ran up an age so she could progress to Zones, a bit of a gamble which paid off. I got a phone call from Chantelle's dad with a description of the race, it sounded very exciting. So the formula is working and I'm sure with Zones at the end of May I can get them a lot fitter and running smarter before School Champs and then State Little Aths Champs.

I went down to the track with my 3 boys as I thought Michelle & Michele were coming down for a track session; but both rang after 5pm and told me they couldn't make it. I watched of the young girls who have left me to go to Burkie due to friendships (fine with me, but still a little sad of course), chatted a bit with some Club mates and then took the boys home for dinner (meat balls & spagh), their mum was attending a meeting regarding Connor's upcoming Eucharist
(and here's me thinking that it was a communion, but Connor wants me to call it Eucharist)... :-)

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