Monday 5 March 2007

Mon 05 Mar 07, R4K training group

Busy busy busy today, that's the only way to describe today's activities! At work early, the new Director of my Department started today, but he & the Deputy where at a Divisional Head meeting all day, but they left some tasks which were all urgent and the day continue on with that direction. With all intention of a lunch gym session which I was looking forward to, but when I noticed the time it was 2:15 and I needed lunch....I worked until 5:30, quickly changed and jogged for 15 minutes before arriving at Fed Square to take the Slow 8km.

And what a BIG group we had tonight, I was the front marker tonight & Sally was the back marker, for anyone who has ever met this girl, they will always remember her, a very happy and friendly girl with such a great personality who suits this role perfectly! I reckon we had high 20's tonight and many are becoming regular faces. The normal course, quite windy tonight, but we are only slightly affected by the wind around the Docklands Stadium, the rest is fairly protected. As Sal stayed with the very back markers and our group spread out quite a bit I was running back & forth quite a bit and would have easily clocked a few k's, which was good as it allowed me to stretch out my stride a few times.

After the run, I was given a great Nike jacket and a LS compression top, this Run Leader gig really has some advantages!!! :-)

After helping to pack up I ran back to my car fairly quick so I could get back to Hoppers for a Little A's meeting, we are preparing for Open Day and also the end of the season & confirming our new Winter Season. Tonight the Committee agreed to pay my costs associated with completing my ATFCA Course, which is really good.


Tesso said...

Giving up your precious time for the R4K and Little A's - good karma is bound to come your way :-)

Ewen said...

Wish we had a gig like that up here. Great promotion by Nike.

Excellent also about the coaching course. It'd be great if they picked up the yearly fees too - the insurance makes it expensive.

Vicky said...

Great score both on the Nike gear and the course fees Stu.

Some good quickish runs going on there too, esp while its still warm.


Anonymous said...

Cool, was hoping they would come though with the comp tops.

I have shared run leader duties with Sal, one of my favorite partners :-)

Anonymous said...

Stu Mac, you guys deserve those sponsor gifts cos you all do a great job!