Tuesday 2 August 2005

Tue 2 Aug, track session???

6km all up today (grrr) 31km for week

Returned home today from 2 days of Conferenecing and getting alot achieved, too bad the same cannot be said about the Wyndham Council. For months Western A's have had our hours reduced at the track and it has caused many problems, hence why I have been finishing work early to get at least one track session in a week. Three weeks ago we were told this would probably be corrected, but NO, the Rughby CLub do not agree and we cannot be on the track whenm they may be training????

I arrived at the track about 5:20 today with the hope of being allowed to train until 7pm but no I was told we have reverted back and we must be off the track at 5:45pm, the Rugby start training 6:30-7:00pm????

So I did a reduced w/up, some strides & then 3x400 and then pissed off home, very angry!!! Got home, Julie listened to me for awhile and then she told me to go for a short run to cool down, which I did. 5k on the road.


Jaykay said...

Hi Stu

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Re your question, I've been doing my 2 hour long runs for about 2 months now, so it's gradually getting easier.

I do most of my training at the gym so only run outside once a week when I do my long run. Hopefully this won't destory the knees too quickly.

As for Ferny Creek = hills = not fun!

Clairie said...

Don't you just love how Athletics is just so far down the priority list when it comes to venues, media attention, sponsorship etc etc etc.

Until more than 2% of the population takes an interest in running I doubt we will see a change Stu. But yes, as a runner, I really do commiserate with you.
The police are always closing roads for rallys, parades etc but the cost and pain seem to go up as soon as it is for a running race. :( okay I've had my spit. On to another blog :)