Monday 3 December 2007

A spare 30 minutes

Home after Relay training, people who cannot (and shouldn't) organise just should not be coordinators, I just got sooooooooooooo frustrated at Relay training I just had to leave as soon as my boys had finished.

With a Little Aths Committee meeting at a local restaurant (celebrating the end of the year) in 60 minutes I thought I needed to 'cool' down so I took off for a 25 min run from home, just over 5km and then 5 min of stretching. (Dinner was great and i totally ignored the person who I mentioned above)


Ewen said...

Running is a great way to cool off Stu. I hope it was a good one.

Maybe you should drop the committee work and just coach/run.

Anonymous said...

An old boss of mine used to call me "little hitler" because I had a my way or the highway approach, seriously, some people just bloody need to shut up and do as they are told.

Hope the cool down run worked.